Having proper medical insurance coverage, whether you are studying or working in the U.S., is essential to your physical and mental well-being.

Medical care in this country can be expensive. A short visit to a doctor’s office for a common cold without any insurance can cost a few hundred dollars. A trip to the emergency room can cost thousands of dollars if you don’t have any health insurance coverage. Lehigh University offers an affordable medical insurance plan* to all full-time enrolled students and any full-time employee who are eligible for university benefits.

*The medical insurance coverage does not include dental coverage, which must be purchased separately.

F-1 Students

F-1 students, undergraduate and graduate, are required by the university to enroll in the University Student Health Insurance Plan or waive the requirement by submitting evidence of an existing creditable health insurance policy.

To qualify for the waiver, students must meet one of the following requirements:

  • You have parents or a spouse/domestic partner living and/or working in the U.S. and are covered under a family plan that's ACA-compliant,
  • You are sponsored to study at Lehigh by your home country or U.S. government that provides you with an insurance plan, or
  • You have dependents (spouse and/or children) with you at Lehigh and have a private family insurance plan that's ACA-compliant.

If you meet one of these criteria, you can request a waiver by completing this  request form.  Please note that, to submit the request, you will be required to upload information about the insurance plan that qualifies you for the waiver.  

You should complete this request form no less than 30 days before the start of the semester.  Requests will be reviewed weekly, and approval or requests for additional information will be sent to your Lehigh e-mail.  Please only follow up on your request if it has been more than 1 week since you submitted.  Questions about the policy or request process can be sent to intnl@lehigh.edu.

J-1 Students and Scholars

J-1 undergraduate and graduate students are required by the university to enroll in the University Student Health Insurance Plan or waive the requirement by submitting evidence of an existing creditable health insurance. 

To qualify for the waiver, students must meet one of the following requirements: 

  • You have parents or a spouse/domestic partner living and/or working in the U.S. and are covered under a family plan that's ACA-compliant,
  • You are sponsored to study at Lehigh by your home country or U.S. government that provides you with an insurance plan, or
  • You have dependents (spouse and/or children) with you at Lehigh and have a private family insurance plan that's ACA-compliant.

If you meet one of these criteria, you can request a waiver by completing this  request form.  Please note that you will be required to upload information about the insurance plan that qualifies you for the waiver.  

You should complete this request form no later than 30 days before the start of the semester.  Requests will be reviewed weekly, and approval or requests for additional information will be sent to your Lehigh e-mail.  Please only follow up on your request if it has been more than 1 week since you submitted.  Questions about the policy or request process can be sent to intnl@lehigh.edu.

The Department of State requires J-1 visa holders to have health insurance that meets the following requirements:

  • Medical benefits: $100,000 per person per accident or illness
  • Medical evacuation: $50,000
  • Repatriation of remains: $25,000
  • Deductible: Less than $500 per accident or illness

The Lehigh Student Health Insurance Plan meets these requirements. 

J-1 visiting scholars are required by federal law to carry medical insurance that meets the J-1 visa requirements above.

Please note that the medical insurance plan must cover the entire duration of the J-1 program listed on your DS-2019.

H-1B International Faculty and Post-Doctoral Research Associates

As paid, exempt employees, H-1B workers are eligible for all the benefits of the university and can sign up for a university medical insurance plan (includes vision coverage) as well as dental coverage.

Health Insurance for Dependents

Lehigh University does not offer health insurance programs to F-2 or J-2 spouses and children. Students and scholars must purchase health insurance for dependents from an off-campus insurance provider.