The staff of the Office of International Affairs collaborates with other Lehigh University staff, faculty and trustees to execute the university’s international strategy. The following committees help advise and guide our work.

Faculty Committee on Global Affairs

The FCGA represents the faculty in setting strategic priorities and policies for the internationalization of Lehigh, especially in relation to academic programs and research.  The committee advises the President, Provost, and the Vice President/Vice Provost for International Affairs on the following aspects of university internationalization:

  • international programs, initiatives, and experiences (both within and outside of the US),
  • internationalization of curriculum and research activities,
  • geographic areas of institutional engagement,
  • international students and scholars at Lehigh,
  • research collaborations, exchanges, and partnerships with institutions (both within and outside the US) that impact the internationalization of Lehigh University,
  • general budget priorities for university internationalization efforts.
Lindsey Reuben, CAS Representative
Armando Anzellini, CAS Representive
Mary Ann Maderia, CAS Representive
Han Ye, COB Representative
Doug Mahony, COB Representative
Zilong Pan, COE Representative
Joe Pacheco, COH Representative
Eric Delmell, COH Representative
Arindam Banerjee, RCEAS Representative
Anand Ramamurthi, Chair, RCEAS Representative
Cheryl Matherly, Vice President/Vice Provost for International Affairs, Ex Officio
Rebecca DeWever, Executive Secretary to the Vice President/Vice Provost (non-voting)

International Crisis Advisory Group

ICAG oversees the university’s International Emergency Response Plan and acts as on-call responders for crisis management on Lehigh-led programs.

Lucy Bowen, Director, Administration for the Provost Office
Steven Bowers, Director, Health Center
Elizabeth Miller Coleman, Administrative Director for University Police
Amanda Connolly, Director for International Students and Scholars
Antonio Ellison, Assistant Director for Study Abroad Office
Laurie Gray Evans, Director, Student Support and Case Management Services
Robert Flowers, Deputy Provost for Faculty Affairs
Katherine Lavinder, Interim Vice President, Student Affairs
Heather Hosfeld, Associate General Counsel
Nichole Hunley, Associate Director for International Students and Scholars
Kathleen Hutnik, Associate Dean and Director, Graduate Student Life
Terry-Ann Jones, Deputy Provost, Undergraduate Education
Jodeen Joyner, Program Coordinator/Advisor for Study Abroad Office
Elaine Kuchera, Assistant Director for Environmental Health and Safety
Katherine Lavinder, Dean of Students
Pat Mann, Administrative Director, Provost’s Office
Cheryl Matherly, Vice President/Vice Provost for International Affairs
Colin McEvoy, Communications Manager, Office of International Affairs
Kim Nimmo, Director, Risk Management
Katie Welsh Radande, Director of Study Abroad
Katy Rene, Assistant Director for Study Abroad Office, Interim Director of the Iacocca International Internship Program
Frank Roth, General Counsel
Jason Schiffer, Assistant Vice President & Chief of Police 
Randy Shebby, Associate Director of Environmental Health and Safety
Karen Sicinski, Director of Nursing for Health Center
Carina Sitkus, Director of Communications, University Communications and Public Affairs
Larry Snyder, Deputy Provost for Faculty Affairs
Vacant, Director of the Iacocca International Internship Program
Erik Walker, Chief of Staff, President’s Office
Brian Wasserman, Program Coordinator/Advisor for Study Abroad Office
Amy White, Interim Director, Media Relations

International Travel Advisory Committee

ITAC provides policy and guidance on international travel for faculty, staff and students. ITAC oversees issues related to safety and logistics of Lehigh-sponsored international travel involving students at the graduate or undergraduate level to ensure that health and safety concerns have been considered and addressed.

Dr. Cheryl Matherly, Vice President/Vice Provost, International Affairs (chair)
Katie Radande, Director, Study Abroad, Interim Director Iacocca International Internship Program
Vacant, Director, Iacocca International Internship Program
Kay Rene, Assistant Director Study Abroad
Alex Radus, Assistant General Council
Kim Nimmo, Director, Risk Management
Lori McClaind, Associate Dean of Students
Todd Watkins, Executive Director, Martindale Center for the Study of Private Enterprise and Professor of Economics