Lehigh University engages with diverse Indian institutions to achieve the university’s strategic goal of collaborating to find solutions that drive societal change and advance experiential learning and real world application.
Successful Partnership Activities Include:
• Dual degrees
• Bilateral student exchanges
• Short courses
• Faculty research
• Faculty exchanges
• Joint and dual certificates
• Student internships
Stacy Burger, Director of Global Partnerships and Strategic Initiatives, serves as the primary point of contact for foreign institutions seeking to work with Lehigh. Our commitment is to engage in partnerships that are sustainable and mutually beneficial.
Ashoka University
Ashoka University is a private research university renowned for its focus on liberal education, academic research, and hands-on experience with real-world challenges. In 2017, Lehigh and Ashoka established Lehigh’s first institutional partnership in India, a successful collaboration that was extended another five years in 2023. Lehigh and Ashoka established a faculty exchange agreement and articulation agreement.
IIT Bombay
IIT Bombay is one of the top-rated leading technical universities in the world. The institution has signed a memorandum of understanding with Lehigh University to establish a new global partnership. Dr. Mayuresh Kothare, Professor of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering at Lehigh and an alumni at IIT Bombay, was instrumental in helping make the relationship possible.
IIT Kharagpur
Lehgih University has a memorandum of understanding with IIT Kharagpur, which has been ranked among the most prestigious academic institutions in India. Like Lehigh, IIT Kharagpur has roots as an engineering school, and today is a center of excellence in education and research, producing global leaders in science, technology, and management.
OP Jindal
O.P. Jindal Global University has been ranked India’s no. 1 private university for three consecutive years by QS World University Rankings 2023. Lehigh’s College of Education is developing a joint certificate/post-graduate diploma with OP Jindal in Haryana. The new certificate will be a redeveloped program from COE’s long-standing International School Counseling certificate.
SRM Institute
SRM Institute has a strong reputation in engineering and life sciences research and education, as well as extensive experience partnering with international universities for academic research and collaboration. Lehigh and SRM have partnered to establish an undergraduate experience and integrated BS/MS program in bioengineering.
VIT Bhopal
VIT Bhopal was created with a vision to create technically skilled young minds in India. Lehigh is working with the institution to create a 3.5+1.5 degree program collaboration between VIT Bhopal and Lehigh's P.C. Rossin College of Engineering.

News & Announcements

Lehigh Hosts Prospective Student Event in Mumbai
Lehigh officials met with college counselors and rising high school seniors from across India during a recent event in Mumbai, providing information about Lehigh and opportunities to study here.

Meet Lehigh University's new Senior International Advisor for India
Vinita Desai is Lehigh University's new Senior International Advisor for India

Postdoctoral Researcher Willy Das encourages an entrepreneurial mindset
Willy Das, an international scholar from India, looks to bridge gap between academics and entrepreneurs.