We have compiled answers to frequently asked questions for international students about plans for the Spring 2021 semester at Lehigh.

Information for International Students coming to the United States

Spring 2021 classes begin on February 1. All undergraduate students and some graduate students living in Bethlehem will be required to complete a combination of COVID-19 testing and quarantining before and upon arrival in Bethlehem and through the spring semester.

The university will require a modified quarantine for all students living on and off campus to meet state requirements and to support the safety of the campus and Bethlehem community. A negative pre-arrival test does not eliminate the quarantine requirement. During modified quarantine, students may leave their on- or off-campus residence for solo activities such as to pick up meals or to take “fresh air breaks,” or to attend the limited classes occurring in person, but should not leave their residence otherwise except for emergency or health-related reasons, such as to fill a prescription. You can find the university's complete Pre-arrival and Arrival Requirements for Spring 2021 here.

On January 25, 2021, President Biden signed a proclamation continuing the suspension of entry of certain travelers from the Schengen Area, the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, Brazil, China, and Iran, and expanding restrictions to include travelers from South Africa. However, students traveling from the Schengen Area, the UK, and Ireland with a valid F-1 visa are automatically considered for a national interest exception to travel.

Pre-Arrival Testing and Quarantine

Students arriving before January 18 must quarantine for 10 days and get their first COVID-19 test at Lamberton Hall on January 18. Even if you have a negative test, you must quarantine on campus for 10 days. You will have a second COVID-19 test on January 25.

Students arriving on or after January 18 must complete the Vault pre-arrival COVID-19 test and quarantine for 10 days. Even if you have a negative test, you must quarantine on campus for 10 days. You will have a second COVID-19 test on January 25.

COVID-19 testing on January 18 and 25 is in Lamberton Hall, 9:00 am - 12:00 pm. No appointment is necessary. After the mandatory 10-day quarantine and two negative COVID-19 tests, students will no longer be in quarantine.

Students traveling on or after January 26: As of January 26, the CDC will require all air passengers arriving to the U.S. from a foreign country to get tested for COVID-19 no more than three days before their flight departs and to provide proof of the negative result or documentation of having recovered from COVID-19 to the airline before boarding the flight. This required pre-travel test meets Lehigh’s requirements for pre-arrival testing. Students will still need to complete the two arrival tests and the 10-day modified quarantine.

Arrival Testing

All students must also complete two rounds of required arrival testing between February 1-5 and February 8-12.

The university will require a modified quarantine for all other students living on and off campus between January 25 and February 7. Many courses with an on-campus component will be fully remote between February 1 and 5. All courses with an on-campus component will begin on-campus activities by February 8.

Information for undergraduate First-year Students

What mode of classes should I register for Spring 2021?

Please refer to the Registration and Academic Services website for more information. Additionally, it is important that you work with your academic advisor to register for spring courses. 

If I received my visa, when do I need to arrive on campus?

The arrival date for international first-year students is Saturday, January 16. You will need to arrive on this date in order to quarantine on campus before classes start on February 1. You should have received additional information from OISS regarding arrival. 

What if I encounter delays getting my visa and need to arrive later?

The official arrival date is Saturday, January 16, but we understand that some students may not be able to get to Bethlehem by then. Please contact Caroline Neal with your arrival plans.

Will there be international orientation?

Yes. You will receive more information regarding international orientation from the Office of International Students and Scholars. There will be a $160 fee added to your account for international orientation to help cover the cost of your meals while you quarantine. 

Will my financial aid package be impacted if I do not come to campus in Spring 2021?

If you have any questions regarding your financial aid package, please contact Lehigh’s Financial Aid Office at financialaid@lehigh.edu

Upperclass students

Are study abroad options still available for Spring 2021?

Sophomores, juniors and seniors currently “studying abroad” in their home country:

The Study Abroad Office has been collaborating with several campus partners, including the Office of International Students and Scholars, college deans' offices, and academic advisors to give sophomores, juniors and seniors the option to study abroad in their home country of residence. This option may provide a residential experience and the opportunity to attend in-person courses. To support our significant Chinese national student community, we have identified several partner programs in China. We may be able to assist students who are seeking options in other countries. For more information, contact the study abroad advisor for your college/major.

International internships for credit:

Sophomores, juniors and seniors may opt to apply for a spring 2021 virtual international internship, for credit. This would be one of your Lehigh courses during the spring semester. Students need an Lehigh host department; Lehigh's Study Abroad Office will guide students through this process. 
There are two internship program options and information are available here:

Will Lehigh offer a tuition discount for students who are fully remote and unable to come to campus?

Yes, the tuition discount will be the same as Fall 2020. Please see more information here.

Will my financial aid package be impacted if I do not come to campus in Spring 2021?

If you have any questions regarding your financial aid package, please contact Lehigh’s Financial Aid Office at financialaid@lehigh.edu

Graduate students

Can I still receive graduate assistantship funding if I am a remote student in Spring 2021?

You are able to receive tuition credits but are not able to receive a stipend if you are still abroad. 

When do I need to arrive on campus?

We recommend that you arrive on campus two weeks prior to the start of the semester, February 1, in order to complete the required 10-day quarantine.

Do I need to contact my department if I plan on attending in-person class in Spring 2021?

We recommend that you inform your department about your intentions.

Is it too late to apply for a graduate assistantship for Spring 2021?

Please check Handshake, the online platform from Lehigh’s Center for Career and Professional Development, to search for graduate assistantships. Please note that you must physically be in the United States to be eligible.

Will there still be Teaching Assistant (TA) training in January? 

There will not be a “live” TA training in January. In the next few weeks, you will receive information about access to online resources from the Graduate Life Office and from the Center for Innovation in Teaching and Learning. In addition, you will also be invited to register for the Teacher Development for Graduate Students six-part seminar series held in the spring semester.

Will there be international orientation and graduate orientation? 

Due to the pandemic, new graduate students will be invited to review previously recorded short videos created by staff from support service offices. There will also be a live question and answer sessions held on Wednesday, January 27. More information to follow.

Do I need a new I-20?

If you plan on arriving on campus in spring and have a visa appointment, please contact the Office of International Students and Scholars at intnl@lehigh.edu

Who should I contact if I receive my visa and plan to come to the U.S. for Spring 2021?

If you receive your visa, please contact the Office of International Students and Scholars. You should have received additional information from OISS regarding arrival. If you have not, please contact intnl@lehigh.edu

Students who Deferred Admission

If I deferred to Spring 2021 and would like to continue my deferment to Fall 2021, what do I need to do?

Please review the information on this site. If you plan on continuing your deferment to Fall 2021, please contact the Office of International Students and Scholars at intnl@lehigh.edu.

I deferred to Spring 2021 and I would like to register for Spring 2021 courses. What should I do?

If you deferred your Fall 2020 admission to Spring 2021 and you would like to now sign up for Spring courses, please contact Caroline Neal at cbn219@lehigh.edu