Meet with a tutor in person or live online. Ask us for more information!

Información para hispanohablantes


The English Language Learning and Assessment (ELLA) Lab offers tutoring, assessment and workshops in English language skills like presentations, conversation, pronunciation, vocabulary development, grammar and writing, listening and note-taking, reading strategies and language test-taking strategies. You can meet in person or virtually.

Professional language tutors—all of whom hold master’s degrees in TESOL or a related field—work one-on-one with the students to guide them through their learning and help them achieve their personal learning goals. You can focus on conversation skills, writing and grammar, vocabulary development, pronunciation, reading skills, or presentation skills.

Tutoring is free for Lehigh undergraduate students (maximum 3 sessions for free). For all others, the first consultation is free, with additional sessions at the following rates. Tutoring is limited to 20 appointments in one semester.

Sign-up Now

 LU students, EMPLOYEES, Visiting Porfessors, & SPOUSESNon-LU Lehigh Valley Community
12 appointments*$640$544
6 appointments$360$306
4 appointments$240$204
2 appointments$120$102
1 appointment$65$51

*Order 12 appointments and save money!

To register for tutoring


Pay for tutoring.

Payment is required by the start of your tutoring appointments.

ADDITIONAL English Language Resources