StepUp Intensive English is a multi-level program offered in spring, summer or fall for both conditionally admitted and non-degree seeking students at three levels of English proficiency, Foundations I (part-time beginning level), Foundations II (part-time intermediate level), and Advanced intensive (part-time or full-time level).

The StepUp program involves intensive non-credit coursework that provides comprehensive English language and cultural training for general, academic, and professional communication. Students at beginning and intermediate levels of proficiency are offered one Foundations class each semester and/or optional individualized tutoring sessions in the ELLA Lab, while advanced students are offer part-time or full-time classes, depending on their needs and their visa status.  Our goal is to help multilingual students develop sufficient of English language proficiency so they can communicate effectively in real-word interactions and socialize into U.S. culture successfully.

Successful completion of Advanced StepUp courses fulfills the requirements for students awarded Conditional Admissions. Conditionally admitted students must successfully complete one full semester of the StepUp Program. 

Información en espanol

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StepUp Program Dates and Application Deadlines

SessionDatesDeadline for U.S. Citizens and permanent residentsDeadline for foreign nationals requiring a student visa
Spring 2025

Full term: Feb. 3-April 18

1st half: Feb. 3-Mar. 7

2nd half: Mar. 17-April 18

StepUp application, fee and deposit due before the first week of classStepUp application, fee and deposit for Visa documents due by Nov. 19, 2024
Summer 2025

One English Foundation Class: June 17 - Aug. 7

Full term: Jun. 16-Aug. 7

1st half: Jun. 16-Jul. 11

2nd half: Jul. 14-Aug. 7

StepUp application, fee and deposit due before the first week of classStepUp application, fee and deposit for Visa documents due by April 1, 2025
Fall 2025

Full term:  Sept. 10-Nov. 7

1st half:  Sept. 10-Oct. 10

2nd half:  Oct. 14th-Nov. 7

StepUp application, fee and deposit due before the first week of classStepUp application, fee and deposit for Visa documents due by July 11, 2025
Spring 2026

Full term: Feb. 9 - April 17

1st half: Feb. 9 - Mar. 13

2nd half: Mar. 23 - April 17

StepUp application, fee and deposit due before the first week of classStepUp application, fee and deposit for Visa documents due by November 21, 2025

Weekly Schedule    Program Pricing

How to Apply


Complete the StepUp application and pay the application fee.

You can complete the application online. The non-refundable application fee is $50.


Wait for ICAPE's response.

We will send you an acceptance letter and instructions on obtaining your I-20 and visa if you need one. You the must pay the $500 tuition deposit.


Submit any documents required for the I-20 for a visa (if you need one).

If you need an I-20 to get get a visa to study in the U.S., then you will need to submit documents to OISS at (610) 758-4859 or


Pay the final StepUp balance.

We will issue you a final invoice and you must pay the remaining balance (if any) by the first week of StepUp classes.


The $50 application fee is non-refundable. Refunds for the $500 deposit are only granted in cases of visa denial/delay and other unforeseen or unavoidable circumstances. In these cases, you must provide written notice to ICAPE (email is acceptable) at least 60 days before the program start date to receive a refund. If you have any questions, please contact the ICAPE office.