A modest grant is available to doctoral students who need financial assistance to participate in international conferences (in person or virtually) or other work related to their research.
Travel grants of up to $1,500 are made on a competitive basis, and are contingent upon available financial resources.
These grants may be used to fund travel abroad for the purpose of attending a conference to make a presentation or conducting research or scholarly work. Grants are awarded for future travel—they cannot be used retroactively.
These grants are only available to doctoral students, and they must be used for travel outside the United States. Students must be in good academic standing and have no pending disciplinary proceedings or sanctions in order to apply for, or receive supporting funds through the time of travel
Upon their return, grant recipients are expected to document how they used the grant by providing receipts for expenses. Recipients will also conduct a brief presentation during International Education Week, which takes place in November each year. Reimbursements will be given after the written report has been submitted or the presentation has been made. Recipients have four weeks after returning to campus from travel to submit or present. Please see the "Grant Recipients" section below for more information.
The DTG-GO review committee is:
- Michael Burger, Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Programs, College of Arts and Sciences
- Won Choi, Associate Dean for Academic Programs, College of Health
- Robin Hojnoski, Associate Dean for Graduate Studies, College of Education
- Kathleen Hutnik, Associate Dean for Graduate Student Life
- Mark Snyder, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, P.C. Rossin College of Engineering and Applied Science
- David Peng, Associate Dean for Graduate Programs, College of Business
Please Note: Given that our funds are limited and must cover the entire year, applicants may not be awarded the full amount they request. Students may receive no more than one Doctoral Travel Grant for Global Opportunities per year.
If you have questions, please contact Stacy Burger at stb206@lehigh.edu.
The application is currently open. Apply now >
Applications are considered two times a year, with the following deadlines:
- September 15
- April 1
Upon their return, recipients of the DTG-GO grant are required to submit a report and give a presentation about their travel.
The report should include:
- Outline how the grant allowed you to pursue your goals; and
- Share information about the connections you made at the institution you collaborated with.
The report should be about one page in length, written for a general audience. The report and request for reimbursement should be sent to Rebecca Lockard(red322@lehigh.edu) no more than four weeks after your return from travel.
The presentation will take place during International Education Week (November of each year). Once you've been notified when the date is for the presentation, send personal invitations to your department, student colleagues, and advisor.
To be reimbursed, please submit an email with your full name, cell phone number, and the last four digits of your LIN to Rebecca Lockard (red322@lehigh.edu). You will need to keep a spreadsheet detailing the expenditures you wish to be reimbursed for, along with your original receipts. You will submit the request for reimbursement through the Lehigh University OneCard system once you have provided the above-mentioned information to Stacy Burger. No reimbursement will be issued without receipt.
If your department needs to be reimbursed because they have covered the cost of your travel, a Banner finance report needs to be submitted to Rebecca Lockard (red322@lehigh.edu) by the department.