Coaching work at OIA activates and amplifies our abilities to root into ourselves, open to difference and sustain our good work in service of the world. One of our goals is to promote and expand a coaching culture grounded in OIA’s Self-Other-World framework to support our global learners, global leaders and global citizenship practitioners.

We see this work as coaching our constituents (global learners, global leaders, global citizens) to take up positions of care and concern for the world in a way that is sustainable and deeply committed to embracing difference.

We understand this to mean that we are not just teaching about something; we are working with the actual people behind the global work.

Because the coaching for SOWL approach is 1) holistic and developmental, and 2) focused on self, other and world, we contribute directly to Lehigh's definition of student success:"the holistic
development of a diverse student body of intellectually curious and engaged learners who understand and make themselves and the world better through thoughtful action, innovation, and authentic care for self and others."