April 8-9, 2025

Lehigh university, bethlehem, pa


The AIEA logoCoaching and Critical Intercultural Learning: Towards a New Approach for Global Education takes a deep dive around how coaching can further our commitments to intercultural learning. Our goal is to create a space for thinking about how SIOs might amplify campus initiatives for intercultural learning by shifting their focus from a learning to a coaching culture through various points of entry. We will explore how coaching can further students’ development as intercultural learners and global citizens in a world characterized by difference, complexity and fast change.


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Participants will discuss how coaching can support the evolution of global learning towards:

  • increased belonging whether for international students, students studying away from our home campuses, or constituents on campus
  • more reflective intercultural learning for our constituents engaged in global learning
  • deeper leadership capacities for ourselves new ways to work with others as well as a means to continue development and avoid stagnation/burnout
  • the creation of intentional work cultures that also include staff who may not always see themselves as fully part of the larger educational project, as well as
  • ongoing attunement to difference as our stakeholders become more diverse and our work unfolds in contexts of fast, often unexpected change, another form of difference.

We will talk about both concepts and practicalities. The format will include 6 speakers and varying modalities for discussions. Participants will leave with specific takeaways about how they might engage the presented ideas and what emerges from the collective discussions in their own practice.

Featured Keynote Speakers

A headshot of Cheryl Matherly

Cheryl Matherly


Cheryl Matherly is the Vice President and Vice Provost for International Affairs at Lehigh University. She serves as the university’s senior international officer and is charged with providing strategic leadership for its numerous international education programs. Lehigh was recognized in 2021 with NAFSA’s Paul Simon Award for Comprehensive Internationalization in recognition of its international education programs. She is a past president of AIEA and currently serves as faculty for the New SIO Academy. She was named Senior International Officer of the Year by the Institute of International Education in 2020 and is a member of the National Academy of International Education. 

A headshot of Angelina Rodriguez

Angelina Rodríguez


Angelina Rodríguez is the Assistant Vice Provost for Global Learning and Teaching Associate Professor at the College of Health at Lehigh University. Her PhD is in Cultural Studies, and her research and creative interests revolve around how we make sense of our constant contact with difference. Prior positions have included Academic Dean for Latin America at the School for International Training (SIT) and Director of Experiential Education at New York University Abu Dhabi. Before this, she worked and taught in Mexico for 15 years and in Venezuela for 5, directing study abroad centers in both sites. Lina is also an integral coach with multiple certifications. Her fourth book, Coaching for SOWL: Self-Other-World Learning in Global Education, is due out in May.

A headshot of Darla Deardorff

Darla Deardorff


Dr. Darla K. Deardorff is the chairholder of the UNESCO Chair of Intercultural Competences at Stellenbosch University in South Africa, and a research fellow at Duke University. She previously served 19 years as Executive Director/CEO of the Association of International Education Administrators, a leadership organization. She is also the Founding President of the world Council on Intercultural and Global Competence, a nonprofit partner to the UNESCO Chair. She has worked in the international education field for over thirty years & previously held positions at North Carolina State University & the University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill where she has had experience in study abroad, international student services, cultural programming, & ESL teaching/teacher training. She has lived, taught & worked in Germany, Japan, South Africa, & Switzerland. In addition, she has had 2 Fulbrights- one to South Africa and one to Japan. Dr. Deardorff 's faculty experience includes Harvard University's Future of Learning Institute, Harvard's Global Education Think Tank, the Summer Institute of Intercultural Communication, Shanghai International Studies University (China), Nelson Mandela University (S. Africa) & Meiji University (Japan) as well as Middlebury Institute of International Studies. Regularly invited to speak around the world, Dr. Deardorff consults for universities, businesses, & non-profit organizations. Recent projects include advising the OECD's PISA Global Competence Project & a UNESCO Intercultural Competence Project. She has published widely, including 80+ articles and book chapters, as well as 14 books starting with The SAGE Handbook of Intercultural Competence (Sage, 2009). Other books include lead editor of The Sage Handbook of International Higher Education (Sage, 2012 and 2nd edition, 2021), co-author of Building Cultural Competence (Stylus, 2012), author of Demystifying Outcomes Assessment for International Educators (Stylus, 2015), co-editor of Intercultural Competence in Higher Education (Routledge, 2017) and lead editor of Leading Internationalization (Stylus, 2018) and the Manual for Developing Intercultural Competencies: Story Circles (Routledge/UNESCO, 2020) - which is open access in 6+ languages.

A headshot of Lesley Robinson

Lesley Robinson


Dr. Lesley Robinson empowers founders and educators to find the best path to their own destination. Lesley is the Co-Founder of ayana, a 501(c)(3) foundation dedicated to uplifting women founders worldwide by providing them with education, community, and enhanced access to funding. As Founding Director of the Kendra Scott Women’s Entrepreneurial Leadership Institute at The University of Texas at Austin, she dispersed over $115,000 in seed grants and equipped 95 women-led startups, earning KS WELI the 2023 GCEC Outstanding Emerging Entrepreneurship Center recognition. Her innovative course, EntreLeaderHER, was a 2024 USABE Excellence in Education Award finalist, focusing on gender-smart entrepreneurial leadership. As a U.N. Global Purpose Award winner, Lesley is also a U.S. State Department Professional Fellow involved in global and local leadership initiatives. She holds a  Ph.D. in Higher Education Leadership from Colorado State University. Her research focuses on gender and entrepreneurship. She serves on Advisory Boards for SXSW Pitch and Blue Sky Partners. She is a 2024 Austin Woman Magazine inaugural Change Maker, 2024 Young Women’s Alliance Educator of the Year, 2023 Austin Business Journal Women in Business Finalist, and 2023 Austin Under 40 Finalist. She is recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice in Higher Education, Educational Leadership, and Entrepreneurship.

A headshot of Christopher Glass

Christopher Glass


Dr. Chris R. Glass is a Professor of the Practice in the Department of Educational Leadership and Higher Education at Boston College where he leads the Executive Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in Higher Education program and serves as an affiliated faculty member in the Center for International Higher Education (CIHE). His research and writing focus on global student mobility, virtual mobility and exchange, as well as equity, inclusion, and sustainability in international higher education. His research has been published in Studies in Higher Education, Higher Education Research and Development, Journal of Studies in International Education, Compare, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, and the International Journal of Educational Development. Glass has a deep commitment to the transformative power of international education, developed through years of leading study abroad programs and strengthened by personal connections with international students and scholars around the world.

Headshot of Miriam Meima

Miriam Meima


Miriam Meima is the Founder and Executive Coach of Every Day Leader. She has been a coach and facilitator for over twenty years, dedicating her life to studying the overlap between business and psychology. She has coached academy award winners, Olympic medalists, founders and executives at hundreds of companies, including a dozen valued at $1B+ (some $20B+). She often partners with companies from Series B all the way through going public. Miriam works 1:1 with senior leaders, facilitates team offsites and develops customized leadership development journeys for leaders at all levels. Her specialty is in helping people unlock the next level of performance while maximizing authenticity.

A headshot of Dawn Whitehead

Dawn Whitehead


Dr. Dawn Michele Whitehead is the Vice President of the Office of Global Citizenship for Campus, Community, and Careers at the American Association of Colleges and Universities. Whitehead has written and presented nationally and internationally on global learning, community-based learning, and curricular change. She is an inaugural member of the Institute for International Education’s National Academy for International Education. She serves as the vice-chair of the board of directors for The Forum on Education Abroad. She earned her PhD from Indiana University, Bloomington.


Day One: Welcome

  • 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. – Opening dinner & welcomes, followed by networking opportunities

Day Two: Forum Sessions

  • 8 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. – Framing our Work within a Coaching Lens / Why Coaching and Global Education
    • w/ speaker Angelina Rodríguez
  • 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. – Panel on Critical Intercultural Learning Processes and Outcomes
    • Facilitator: Cheryl Matherly
    • Panelists: Darla Deardorff, Dawn Whitehead
  • 10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m. – Belonging: A Gateway to Global Learning for All Students – Revisited 10 Years Later
    • w/ speaker Christopher Glass
  • 12 p.m. to 1 p.m. – Lunch & Table Discussions
  • 1:15 p.m. to 2 p.m. – Approaches to Integrating Coaching into Our Work
    • w/ speaker Cheryl Matherly
  • 2:15 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. – Coaching & Leadership in Global Context
    • w/ speaker Lesley Robinson
  • 3:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Conclusions & Takeaways


Interested in a learning more about coaching training for global education professionals? Visit here to learn about a weeklong intensive coaching training that Angelina Rodríguez will leading in Mexico in May.


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Nearby Airports

  • Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE) 6.3 miles from Lehigh University
    • When flying into ABE, check your ticket closely as some airlines offer connecting flights via bus service between airports
  • Philadelphia International Airport (PHL) 66.7 miles from Lehigh University
  • Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR) 74.3 miles from Lehigh University


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For more information, contact Rebecca Lockard, 610-758-2981