M.A. Education and Cognitive Development
Tec de Monterrey
B.A. Administration & Marketing
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
A.A. Plastic Arts
Universidad San Francisco de Quito
philosophy of teaching
I take education as a passion, I have devoted my efforts to teaching and finding ways to permeate students ́ learning with experience, and hands-on projects that above all help know themselves in a deeper manner. I believe that as one knows oneself better there is a higher understanding of humanity, its purpose and value. I search to help students link their feelings, thoughts and actions into their beliefs, and be able to channelize them through their expressions, written, spoken, and projects they do to achieve a better notion of communicating themselves and develop a beautiful higher skill such as the written expression.
professional interests
Project-based Learning
Self-knowledge and Personal Growth
Cultural background to allow Language Learning and Expressions
Lowering Learning Barriers in Language Learning using Self-regulation and Creativity
Resonance Repatterning and Learning Through Coherent Connections
Virginia Tech-USFQ Cohort Member
2017, May 18th, Self-Regulation and Creativity as a Potentializer for Project Based Learning in English Language Learning
languages spoken
English and Spanish