For more than 40 years, Larry has been a learning facilitator, global consultant, and researcher. He focuses on helping individuals and organizations to formulate complex problems as well as to solve and navigate them. Using a systems framework and design-based problem-solving methodologies, he has conceptualized, designed, developed, and directed innovative academic degree and professional programs at Villanova University (Health Psychology); Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine (MS in Organizational Development and Leadership); University of Pennsylvania (MS and MPhil in Organizational Dynamics); and Thomas Jefferson University (DMgt in Strategic Leadership and PhD in Complex Systems Leadership). In 2023, he retired from his full-time appointments as director of Jefferson’s DMgt and PhD leadership programs and continues to contribute as Adjunct Professor of Strategic Leadership. He also holds an appointment as Adjunct Assistant Professor of Pharmacy Systems Science in the Department of Medical Education at Geisinger Commonwealth School of Medicine.
Larry’s consulting has been in strategic thinking and strategic leadership practice across many industry sectors although primarily health care and higher education. His projects have been in strategic start-up, opportunity development and growth, innovation, and leadership development. He has written many guidelines, position papers, and curricula for new programs, and to redesign graduate degree programs and communities of practice.
Prior to his full-time academic career, as Director of Medical Education and Research for several domestic companies, Larry designed, developed, and contributed to US federal compliance and educational program policies including for OSHA and FDA as well as for ASTM and ANSI.
Larry is currently on the editorial review committee for four international journals and has authored and co-authored seven books, nine book chapters, 59 academic papers, 80 conference papers, and 25 white papers. He has been the dissertation/thesis advisor for 103 students and is currently working with four.
Born in Toronto, he earned a BA in psychology from Western University, an MS in psychology from Villanova University, and as a Canada Council Foundation Doctoral Fellow (renamed Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada), earned a PhD in psychology from the University of Windsor.